Sunday, June 21, 2009

Swine flu facts

swine flu facts

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swine flu facts
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Skywatch Media Breaking News Flu Pandemic Update The Associated Press is reporting that the Swine Flu Virus is continuing to spread across the United States with more deaths being reported frequently. Skywatch Media News is committed to bring you the latest information on the Swine Flu Outbreak whic ... By S Porter For several years the media has been cautiously following the possibility of a bird flu outbreak, but swine flu has beaten it to the punch. Influenza is a nasty little virus that can be deadly under the right conditions, and bird flu is a particularly bad strain that is deadly more often ... As I mention on my lens about the swine flu, my research leads me to believe that folks aren't doing enough to protect themselves or to be prepared for a pandemic — even now, when the level is at Phase 5. That is very worrrisome, y'all. I went to the grocery store for a quick moment earlier today. I don't know if it truly was just because of the hour of day or not, but the obvious lack of cars in the parking lot gave me an uneasy feeling. As I went through the door into a very unusually empty


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